Tobacco-Free Schools


Tobacco Use in the USA

• High school students who are current (past month) smokers: 10.8% [Boys: 11.8% Girls: 9.7%]; over 1.8 million

• High school males who are current cigar smokers: 14.0%

• High school students who are current e-cigarette users: 16.0%

• Kids (under 18) who try smoking for the first time each day: 2,500+

• Kids (under 18) who become new regular, daily smokers each day: 580

• Kids (3-11) exposed to secondhand smoke: 40.6% [Black: 67.9% White: 37.2%]

• Packs of cigarettes consumed by kids each year: approx. 540 million (nearly $1.2 billion per year in sales revenue)

• Adults in the USA who are current smokers: 15.1% [Men: 16.7% Women: 13.6%]; approx. 40 million